Integrating the Medicine

Growth happens on at least on three different levels. Many people are great at collecting information, they go on workshops and listen and do the exercises diligently. But nothing changes, or at least it changes but not for very long and soon they find the old ways creeping back in. That’s ok, I’m not making that wrong……a few of you are thinking ‘oh that’s me’ and feeling some shame.

That’s a trigger - make a note of that and be curious about it. The way I teach is designed to really help you integrate the information and we all integrate it in a way that is right for us. 

The medicine cards deliver information and activate the brain in an entirely different way than say reading a chapter in a book or listening to a podcast. We know from research that if 20 people witnessed the same scene they would all interrupt what happened in totally different ways.

Using imagery helps us to develop our own narrative and in this way, it is easier for us to integrate the medicine from within. We become the narrative, it means more to us; it speaks to us in ways that make us feel understood at a deeply intuitive level. It helps us feel like we belong to something bigger than ourselves.


Many people are operating almost entirely on the level of the intellectual mind. But when you come from the mind you are not going to see what is in front of you. So that is one level of knowledge that is important but often not enough.


Now the second level is on the heart level, at the heart level you actually allow yourself to FEEL what is happening.  When I was in practice and seeing over 20 patients a day I would have to use this all the time, I call this ‘listening with the heart’. It is hearing what the patients says and also what they don’t say. It is feeling with compassion. 


The third level is the level of intuition. Gut feeling, inner knowing, that hunch……whatever you call it – it is real. And that's where, if the three are working together, then you've got no problem. 

The medicine cards are designed to develop intuition; they work on all the 3 levels. In this way, the information is integrated - inviting a new level of intelligence in the body.


The Value Of Asking Good Questions


New Paradigm Medicine