New Paradigm Medicine

For many years I have worked closely with the mainstream medical system to build bridges and create a more compassionate system of medicine suitable for the new paradigm;

In this system of medicine the patient's evaluation of their health is considered significant and divine. Their experience of themselves and their dis-ease is not brushed aside in favour of tests and scans. They are seen and heard.

All my life I have been fascinated by science and different forms of healing modalities; I have studied many systems of healing and medicine & keep up to date on cutting edge scientific research as well as working with ancient systems of healing and great teachers.

I have always taken my own path, although lonely at times, this has led me on an adventure that continues today. An exploration into what it is to be human in this 3D body, & at times what it is like to leave this 3D body.

New paradigm medicine acknowledges that there is often something beneath our ailments, illness and symptoms; be it personal, collective or a reflection of the environment in which we live. When we simply suppress symptoms & emotions they do not vanish; it is no longer sufficient to treat the symptoms of disease. We need to address the causes, and they are far-reaching.

We only need to look at the state of our Mother Earth, our home, the ecology, and the soil. Our lives, like the ecology, are lacking in nourishment. We are not living in alignment with our true nature. We need to rediscover the reciprocal nature of Earth and find new solutions to old problems as well as look at ancient traditions.

Within each of us lies a spark of magic, our own unique miracle or gift and it is when we are truly challenged that we either lose ourselves completely or we are able to rediscover a lost part and return to wholeness.

Through my work, I have always tried to use expanded language as a way to communicate new ideas. I do not look to divide: I look to unite. I believe this is our greatest opportunity to co-create from a place of oneness rather than separation

We are more than just our blood tests and scans, we are complex human beings with emotional and spiritual needs.  Paradox & polarity, Yin & Yang. I believe all of us have a gift & it is our duty to find that gift and bring it to the world.

All of life is here. 


Integrating the Medicine


Remembering Our Medicine